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I could've held you in my arms forever , it's still wouldn't be long enought

23 septembre 2007

La plus Grande Véritée est de savoir qu'il suffit d'aimer et de l'être en retour .

zis_n_me5 Parce que SA me manque plus que tout
23 septembre 2007

Le comencement

" Ne fume ni cigarettes ni beue , ne boie pas d'alcool , mange , dors " Et un grand "nique ta mère" docteur ça te va ? f_fallhc8m_9e2919d
I could've held you in my arms forever , it's still wouldn't be long enought
  • take another walk out of your fake world please put all the drugs out of your hand you'll see that you can breath without not back up some much stuff you got to understand you see its not the wings that makes the angel just have to move the bats out o
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